Monday, April 21, 2008


I’ve been avoiding doing this work that I know is very important. I’ve even been researching and planning other projects other than these things.

This past weekend I think was one to help me get back on track. I went to an event near Houston. I spent a lovely day in the company other scribes, helping with overdue painting. Then I arranged to go to the museum of fine arts in Houston the next day with one of the other ladies. We had a nice lunch at a Greek place nearby before first going to an art store. That alone would have been inspiring with all the easels, supplies, tools and books on various arts that I love to indulge in. I browsed the books, looking over several books on my recommended list at Amazon, was able to determine not to buy some, put others on the definite list, and even bought a couple. I bought a set of graphite pencils that have a wonder feel to them. I can’t wait to try them out. I also picked up a couple of new brushes, a bristle, a sable and another I can’t remember the type, probably a sable, or mixed sable and synthetic. I also found some carving wax for the pewter doll project.

Then we went to the museum. I spent a lot of time just getting up close to the paintings, looking for hints of brush strokes, thickness of paint and so on. I was exhausted, but inspired. Waiting now for the day’s work to be over so I can sketch and get ready to paint…

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Dürer, Albrecht: Self-Portrait

Dürer, Albrecht: Self-Portrait