Monday, September 7, 2009


I spent the morning of Saturday and Sunday too at the lathe. The heat has finally backed off enough that it isn't sweltering out there! So I figured out how to hook everything up, and even rough cut the first piece the first morning. The second morning, I turned a bobbin all by myself. It's a lot thicker than the original template, but I was going on the safer side. Then I went onto the second one, and was zooming along and three-quarters through the turning the thing snapped. It wasn't even at a particular thin spot. Frustrated, I turned to a pen blank and tried to turn a couple of spools/bobbins for the silks and such. Tried, it snapped too. I don't know if I was trying to go too fast, too slow or if there was a weak spot in the woods and it just happened two times in a row.

The rest of the weekend I have spent on the re-work of my green gown. It the demolition portion of the event, I found there were several areas that the gown just didn't line up from side to side. So there was a goodly amount of time spent trimming things up to match as well as the new lines. The slashing on the sleeves came out beautifully, even though it took forever to hand stitch the edges. The black and gold braid was perfect. when I'd realized that I was a little short on the braid I went back for more, and picked up some matching cordage. I was going to edge the lower sleeve slashes, but I'm holding on those for now. I will wear it and decide if I want to go further. I am thinking I might use the cordage for the hair piece... I started the belt/girdle with the beads I'd bought. It looks fantastic, except that I don't have enough beads. However, the most expensive bead is on sale this week, so I'm going to pick those up this week. Now I have to work on the partlet and veil. Did I mention that I'd decided to use an old ivory colored silk skirt for this, so other than the ribbon for the chest band is all out of stash. nice when I don't have to spend a lot for a new outfit!!

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Dürer, Albrecht: Self-Portrait

Dürer, Albrecht: Self-Portrait