Thursday, February 16, 2012

Changes are coming

There have been a couple of things that are pressing in on me, encouraging change. I think one of the first things to happen is there will be less SCA in my life. I was headed that way anyway I think, but I
am beginning to see my new focus. Of course, for the next year it may not seem that way. My major goal for this year is just to finish everything on the to-do lists. I have some big plans for my life and they can't start until I finish the old. So that list of projects I've previously
posted, it's still on, I just am trying to get more focused on it so I can
finish it. I've finished my gloves and made significant progress on the knife handles.
After this weekend I may be doing more cleaning, organizing the supplies, costumes and so on, so I don't have as much stuff to store, that I'm not using, and I can move in the small space that I do have. It really seems silly to have a storage room, just to store supplies I'm not using. I also need to rediscover what I do have. The last time I went looking for something I have several quality pieces of fabric that I didn't remember having. I'm sure between the purchase of said fabric and now I've made at least one gown of the same fabric, that I purchased new fabric for.
That was a purchase I didn't need to make.
This weekend is our spring event, and I have a few projects that will display for the first time. After the event I'll post pictures of those projects.
One is complete, the other still needs a few more bits added to it. All in all, I've been pleased with what I've gotten done for this event, not nearly as stressed, even though it's Thursday and I still have things to do, but most of those things really couldn't be done until now anyway.

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Dürer, Albrecht: Self-Portrait

Dürer, Albrecht: Self-Portrait