Thursday, July 23, 2009


Requesting information from a couple of sources, I was overwhelmed with information from various people. A tidbit here, a load of books there, a new receipt for perfuming gloves! It is wonderful. I have to go through the herbals and such that I've been loaned to see what I can gleam, but for this afternoon, I must embroider!
On that score the foliate circles of the gauntlets are coming out much better, and quicker, so that's good. I am inclined to work on the purl around the seahorses before I do much else, since those were the ones I held back on, and they are perhaps the most time consuming of all the sections, so I want to get them done and out of the way ASAP!

so off to work now. Will post pictures of the finished gauntlet (well, minus a few pearls and spangles that is) as soon as I find my camera.

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Dürer, Albrecht: Self-Portrait

Dürer, Albrecht: Self-Portrait