Monday, September 21, 2009
almost time
I did pick up glover's needles for the glove project. I don't know that they'll make that much difference but everyone swears by them, so I'll give them a try. I'm thinking tomorrow during the meeting I have to go to I can bring along the gloves and play with them there, while the others talk about the fall event.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The rest of the weekend I have spent on the re-work of my green gown. It the demolition portion of the event, I found there were several areas that the gown just didn't line up from side to side. So there was a goodly amount of time spent trimming things up to match as well as the new lines. The slashing on the sleeves came out beautifully, even though it took forever to hand stitch the edges. The black and gold braid was perfect. when I'd realized that I was a little short on the braid I went back for more, and picked up some matching cordage. I was going to edge the lower sleeve slashes, but I'm holding on those for now. I will wear it and decide if I want to go further. I am thinking I might use the cordage for the hair piece... I started the belt/girdle with the beads I'd bought. It looks fantastic, except that I don't have enough beads. However, the most expensive bead is on sale this week, so I'm going to pick those up this week. Now I have to work on the partlet and veil. Did I mention that I'd decided to use an old ivory colored silk skirt for this, so other than the ribbon for the chest band is all out of stash. nice when I don't have to spend a lot for a new outfit!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Purl is done!!!
I'm going to spend a few days concenrtrating on the bobbinlace in the evening and the ruff edging at lunch for the next week. My goal is to play with turning bobbins in the mornings of this long weekend, especially since the weather has finally started to cool. (Funny that 95 is a cold front!) The rest of the weekend is a remake of all old gown that I've only worn one or twice because it just wasn't quite right, even though I love the fabric and the general fit.
Next week is playing with the gloves again and then finishing the lace. I am so ready to move one to something else!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Photos from display

The over all display

This is the nearly finished gauntlet glove. There are still things that needs to be touched up hence the reason I didn't sew it together. I couldn't see doing that and having to take it apart. I thought it would be better to let everyone know I knew it wasn't right than letting the image develop that I thought it was right. I thought the red silk pillow was a good contrast with the gauntlet, but it needs to be made into a real pillow.

The spangles and some of the design work patterns as well as one of the boxes with the supplies, purl/bullion, pearls and metal threads.

The second gauntlet, still in progress, with the bobbinlace in the foreground

This is the section of the display that has the perfume things. I included some of the raw ingredients, cloves, cinnamon and roses as well as the base scents without the rosewater and the test sample of the leather. This was an interesting part of the display, since I was given the opportunity to let people experience the discovery of the way that the perfumes developed with the addition of the rosewater.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Next step
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The first display is done
I managed to get the first gauntlet sewn together, with the backing of linen. Didn't get enough bobbin lace finished to put on the gauntlet, and the glove didn't get quite finished. I had machine sewn it, and in the turning it was a pain. In fact, it didn't fully turn, the tips of two fingers were knots. The stitch was stressed and gaps developed. I know that I will have to take the glove apart and resew it, probably by hand.
I also went back to the perfume samples. I went ahead and added the oil to the jasmine mix and tested two more samples. I found that once the oil was put to the leather on top of the rosewater, that the jasmine became my favorite, it pulled together all the scents.
I did take pictures and will post as soon as I dig out the camera. To give you an idea of the layout, I had the unfinished gauntlet in frame on an easel to the left rear, move to the center/right center was a middle level support with the glove pieces. The right rear corner was a stack pedestal with the nearly finished gauntlet, wrist ruff and glove. One the front row of the table started with the bolster pillow with the bobbin lace, next the sewing basket and supplies and the spangles. On the right front I had slipped one of the round lids under the table cloth, creating a slight raised area for the perfume stuff. There were the whole cloves, cinnamon sticks and roses around the cruet with rose water, two jars of perfume oils and perfumed leather samples. I did have my turned bobbins there as well. I did feel like it was a complete display, though I would have rather had at least one completed glove, rather than the cobbled thing I had.
Therefore, my first goal in the next month is to complete that glove/gauntlet. I'd like to finish the second one as well, but won't be devastated if it doesn't come together. To tonight, after spending most of the day sleeping I'm ready to pull out the lace and work on that, so I can get the lace down for the gloves.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A change in the project
Tomorrow I'll do lace and sew the gloves together - which I also made the decision to go ahead and machine sew. I have consider this carefully, and bottom line, since these are intended to be fencing gloves - even if for only select tourneys, then the construction has to be secure. I'm not so sure that my hand sewing is up to that at this point. It will also be a major time saver, since I know that it takes most of one evening to sew one glove together by hand, and that's not taking care to make the stitches small and neat.
I feel a lot less stressed for this choice, so I guess it's the right one.
Now to Work!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Lucky find!
It's crunch time!!!
last night I did manage to get most of the couching done, and I've been back at it this morning. That's when I ran out of the braid before I finished the ovals around the roses and a few other little spots. I'm going to press on with the purl, and pearls tonight and tomorrow when I go to work for a few hours, I'll stop by Michael's and pick up some more braid (with coupon!) to finish that.
Now that my lunch break is over, I am ready to start on the purl. It's tonight's goal to finish that, and hopefully, it will only be pearls tomorrow.
I also need to get the gloves together and the lace and I haven't been able to get to the bobbins...
I need to get the docs done, and the plan is to work on those at lunch time during the week and everything else in the evenings.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
On that score the foliate circles of the gauntlets are coming out much better, and quicker, so that's good. I am inclined to work on the purl around the seahorses before I do much else, since those were the ones I held back on, and they are perhaps the most time consuming of all the sections, so I want to get them done and out of the way ASAP!
so off to work now. Will post pictures of the finished gauntlet (well, minus a few pearls and spangles that is) as soon as I find my camera.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Gloves and their perfumes
It feels a little bulky at this point, and it wasn't easy to turn either. I'm thinking at this point that I will try an overlay stitching pattern, so I won't have to turn the glove when finished.
I also located a local source for the clove oil, GNC carries it for about 7 dollars. So all the ingredients of the perfume are located. I'm planning to purchase the perfumes come payday - well this one or the next. The perfume people suggest that a fragrance should be mixed and left sit at least 48 hours, or more if you want it to be stronger. I'm not sure two weeks is enough if I wait, and if what I want isn't local? I did confirm the price and source on the net, so they might not actually have it in the store. That's the dilemma at this point.
If you haven't guessed, I've decided that I am going to work with the three scents, the Oriental Musk, Arabian Rose and essential oil of cloves. I have to figure out exactly how they should go together, equal amounts or more or less of the parts. I know this isn't exactly the way it would have been done, but with my limited knowledge, skills and sources, it's what I'm going with. For this one, I will develop the doc's more, displaying I understand the process, even if I don't take it all the way to completion.
well, I'm off to look up what ever I might have in period cookbooks for perfuming gloves, before I settle to embroidery for the evening....
Saturday, July 18, 2009
to pefume, or not...
I'm the first to admit I am not a perfume person, strong perfumes are a problem for me. SO do I want to spend the money on the supplies for something I'll use this once, or purchase something already made that will work?
I do have a recipe for perfuming gloves from period, or near period anyway. It calls for several ingredients that I'm not sure that I can get, and whether I will even like the result. I've done a bit of reading on the net regarding perfumes. There was a lead to fragrances/oils that are available in the soap making section of Michaels/Hobby Lobby. Those fragrance/oils are available at about 3-4 dollars each. I checked at Sun Harvest next door because I had purchased clove oil years ago there. Clove oil was one of the oils I needed and IIRC it was expensive, but I needed to confirm. They didn't have any of the oils there, but they did have a line of perfumes /oils that my granddaughter and I had to check out. I was particularly interested in one, called "Oriental Musk". It wasn't bad, but not exactly what I needed. I added a trace of "Arabian Rose" and there was a perfume that I think would evoke the right sense, well, maybe, I need a touch of cinnamon or cloves, but otherwise, I think that mix is about right. So, do I purchase the 8 dollar a bottle scents (needing two bottles, for a total of 16 dollars) and an additional 4 dollars for the spice oils. That's another twenty dollars to add to the project. Which, I don't really need, but really, the double the cost on two of the scents isn't that bad. I need to see if I can check out the rose scents in the soap department, maybe I can use just the one scent from Sun Harvest. I have been pretty frugal on this case, compared to other years, so I don't feel too bad on the extra spendature. I am also hoping that HL has their 40% coupon this weekend, so I can get some of the scents for a lot less, so the scent from Sun Harvest won't add up too much.
well, now that the sinus headache is mostly worn down, though not gone, I think I'll embroider, maybe play with the glove pattern. I just have the fourchettes left on those, so maybe that's where I'll play tonight and embroider tomorrow while waiting on a sewing session with friends...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
It's related... sort of...
I have a find today that is good, but unknown how it will be used. Some five years ago I had ordered two blocks of pewter. Honestly, I thought my x had used it, and that the bits that he'd left on the workbench had been it. So it was really cool to find that whole five pound block still in the bubblewrap. I'll do something with it in the future. Just don't know what yet.
sigh, for tonight, though I think I'll just pull out the embroidery and see what I can do before I tire myself out enough to sleep.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
well, time to go finish that first gauntlet- at least the purl work!!!
Progress!!!! YAY!!!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Almost finished with the first gauntlet!!!
I'm already making plans for that interlining. My last source on gloves came in, indicating that canvas was used to support the embroidery and if that wasn't enough cardboard was used. I'm thinking of making some buckram rather than cardboard because I don't think it's that heavy and at the same time, I think it will need something!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Bobbins and purl embroidery, oh my!!!
While I thought I'd come home and set to turning today with a sinus headache I decided I wasn't up to the garage in this heat. So I ran and got replacement needles and set to working on the purl again. I think with just a couple of hours, I may finish the purl on the first gauntlet. I'm thinking of pulling at the brass sheet and playing with making spangles too today. I've had the day mostly to myself, so it's been fun.
Also just received the last glove book (I suspect yesterday but was that a holiday? I don't know, It was just there when I went looking, Maybe the day before? if I'd know that, I wouldn't have been at seaworld then!!) There is some excellent information regarding the gloves, things like a few measurements mentioned, commonalities, some I had noticed, one or two I hadn't and of course, there's the idea of inserting card stock behind the embroidery to hold it up if it weights too much to do so on it's own.
Anyway, I'm back to work in the hot living room, so I don't fall asleep in the nice ac as has been my wont of late.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Back on track with the gloves
I also have the first of several books for glove making. It's the mainstream version of glove making, but I believe it's a good starting point. I also took some sample measurements from the gloves in the glove museum. I bumped the images up to match my wrist measurement and went from there. I have some other notes on the design basics of the gloves so later this week I should be able to sit down and plan out the gloves. I have also thought that I should try and make a model of my hand to work the fittings on. So far I'm thinking a frame work of dowel rods with a sand fill that fits into the duct tape double that I will make off of my right hand. Maybe for my display I might try one of those kits for making plaster casts of baby hands. I just can't see working with the plaster casts, the way the stuff flakes, leaves dust behind, not to mention the possibility of accidentally dropping and breaking the thing.
I also have the bobbin drawings to make up the templates for turning later this week with Mom, so things are moving along.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Still procrastinating, but in a good way
It also occurred me that while we're turning lace bobbins, I should do some for the floss and maybe even a needlecase. I don't know, maybe I need two days with the lathe with Mom.
Anyway, lots of things to look at and plan. I did get the embroidery out of the car tonight and right after dinner, I should be able to do something finally.
Monday, June 15, 2009
King's College over
Now, I have time to take a breathe and get back to work on the gauntlets. They are calling for classes for the 30th year event. I'm tempted, but I think I should focus on my current project. Same thing with the achievement, I'd love to do it, but I think I should focus, focus focus!!!
One thing that is coming to mind, is the Artisan pavilion. That's the idea I had a while ago, of setting up a pavilion, having artisans to gather together to work, do classes, displays, things like that. I think rather than try to get it going after I have the parts together, I should try talking with some other people to get it started. I figure I need to talk with both artisans and laurels. I figure, with sponsorship of a few laurels, we can really make this work. So it becomes important for me to go to 30th year, even if I'm not presenting or fighting or anything else.
I'm going to crash now, still trying to catch up on rest I missed last week, and tomorrow at lunch I'll be embroidering once again!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
pictures of the gauntlets

This is the other gauntlet, with primarily the silkwork done, and just a bit of goldwork started. Those big coiling lines are with Grecian twist, something I inherited from a friend. After this project I am hesitant to use it again. It took forever to work! It's beautiful now that it is done, but it won't be my first choice in the next project.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Remember why you're playing with bobbinlace
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
yesterday I came up with some ideas on doing some art for the house, involving the SCA/A&S stuff I've done and am doing. The first is a shadow box type thing with a gilded framed copy of Lotto's painting that was the inspiration for Lucretia, with Lucretia sitting off to the side of it. I don't know that I'll include anything else in, but we will see. I also have to determine if there will a background fabric/paint/texture. The second one I'm thinking about is a reproduction of one of the lacemaker paintings, put into a black velvet frame that is wide enough for a lace border to either be tacked or pinned to. The lace strip will then trail to a pillow at the bottom complete with a pins, pricking and bobbins.
anyway, other than putting together the notes for my classes (they are in two weeks!) that's what's on my plate right now.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Anyway, back to the embroidery samplers, I went back to them and worked very hard to finish them. I used up all the plastic canvas yarn I had on hand. My hands felt icky the whole time. I wanted to wash my hands. When I ran out of that nasty, I used a bit of the wool from the last project and the thrift store. That was soooo much nicer to work with.
Then I rewarded myself with playing with the bobbins again. I did several tries with various bobbins. I did the cloth stitch and it was very plain, straight forward. Still have the same feeling about the bobbins. Those with weight work much better.
This morning was reading for the artist class, from a book I picked up this weekend. It is Painters of reality. Interesting content, discussing drawing and painting styles of Lombardy style from Leonardo to Caravaggio. It didn't really help for my class which is about the artist's life, workshops, etc. I have to dig that info out so I have something to present.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I didn't finish the boards for the demo, still haven't actually. I keep putting them on my list to do, but I always procrastinate and never finish them in time. I think that I am unsure of what I'm doing, so I am hesitanting.
I did a decent display at Steppes artisan, I'll see if I can post those pictures. There was some good work, good feedback too.
I have my realization that I'm not going to be a laurel, leastwise anytime soon. SO I'm doing art for art's sake. If it's not period, or period materials, that's okay. I am going to have fun doing it.
Last winter I had surgery, so for a while I was out of doing anything particular. That meant when it came time to enter something in Kingdom A&S I didn't, and had a good reason for it. I made another trip to the Houston Fine arts.
I did make plans to do a display of artist supplies and stuff at Steppes this year, then I got distracted. I have decided to go back to fencing, and I need new gear. I still haven't got to the fencing, but I've been working on the gear, and one pair of spectacular gloves for tourneys. I reviewed period examples, designed the gloves and have commenced the embroidery. the silk work is done, but the goldwork is on going. One problem with the gloves was that all of these examples was with bobbinlace. Not needlelace, which I would be quite happy to do, no, it has to be bobbinlace. with all else that I'm doing on these gauntlets, it has to be bobbinlace.
So i've made a couple of pillows (stuffed with straw) and several batches of bobbins(dowel rods and beads) and even done the first piece. I rather like working the bobbinlace so far, but I have lots to learn.
This year's Steppes artisan will be all about these gauntlets, from the embroidery to the lace and since I'm going to that step, I will be also making the gloves too. I just don't know if it will be by hand or not.
I'm going to be trying to get photos up on those too. and all my bobbins and pillows....